/\_____ ___ ____/\__   /\_______ /\___ /\____ 
 \__   // _ \\  __/  \ /_   _/ _ \\___ \\     \
 /  __//  __// //  / /  /  //  __// _  // / / /
/____ \\___ \\ \\___/  /__ \\___ \\___ \\_\_\ \
     \/fast\/ \/          \/    \/    \/     \/

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bin2tap is convertor from ordinary files to tape image file for ZX Spectrum emulators.


Bin2tap moved into ZX Spectrum utils. Please place all your guestions and request there.


19.december 2009: latest version - bin2tap 1.3 (source), DOS binary (made with DJGPP compiler so you need CWSDPMI.EXE to run), Windows binary.

Previous downloads

11.april 2005: bin2tap 1.2
10.april 2005: bin2tap 1.1
5. december 2004: bin2tap 1.0
17. august 2004: bin2tap 1.0b


1. make empty directory (mkdir /tmp/bin2tap)
2. copy archive there (cp bin2tap10b.zip /tmp/bin2tap/)
3. unzip archive (unzip bin2tap10b.zip)
4. compile execution file (gcc bin2tap.c -o bin2tap)
5. became root (su)
6. copy execution file in your PATH (cp bin2tap /usr/bin)

Usefull informations are in README file in archive.


Any comments, ideas or bug reports are welcome at mike at zeroteam.sk.